Introducing language support


Alex Wilson

Network Owner
West Mids, England

Here at StormBit we focus on trying to deliver great quality service to all of our users, no matter their interests or where they may happen to hail from. Supporting such a diverse audience can be challenging, though, especially as not everybody happens to speak English as their first language. To this end I’m happy to announce that we’ve begun to offer our services in multiple languages.

As of today, there is now a language preference exposed via NickServ, allowing you to change your preferred language. Simply use /NickServ SET LANGUAGE <code> where <code> is an item from the table below.

Language Shorthand
English en
Danish da
French fr
German de
Russian ru
Spanish es
Welsh cy

Initially we will only be supporting these languages, but if you are able to help us expand this list then please don’t hesitate to get in contact with a staff member.

Happy chatting!