Atheme How-To Guide

For Atheme 7.1




Purpose: Channel listing, matching a specific pattern.
Commands: list How to:
Search for a channel:

/msg ALIS list * -min 5 -max 20

Explanation: This will search for all channels with a minimum of 5 users and a maximum of 20.


Purpose: Custom name replacement for a Services bot in a channel.
Commands: assign, bot, botlist, info, say, set, unassign How To:

Place a bot in a channel:

/msg botserv ASSIGN #mychannelname BotName

Explanation: This will assign BotName to #mychannelname

Creating a bot:

/msg botserv bot add MyBot Is MyBot

Explanation: This will create a bot with a hostmask of [email protected] with a realname of MyBot

Deleting a bot:

/msg botserv bot del MyBot

Explanation: This will remove MyBot from the list of available BotServ bots

Modifying a bot:

/msg botserv bot change MyBot MyNewBot has MyNewBot

Explanation: This will change the previously created MyBot to [email protected] with the realname of MyNewBot

View available bots:

/msg botserv botlist

View available information regarding a channel or bot:

/msg botserv info #mychannelname Explanation: This will display the bot assigned to #mychannelname  

Make the bot say something:

/msg botserv say #mychannelname Hi guys, welcome to #mychannelname!

Explanation: The bot will say “Hi guys, welcome to #mychannelname!”

Disable fantasy mode:

/msg botserv set #mychannelname fantasy OFF

Explanation: This will prevent !op, !kick, !flag, and the like from being used in-channel. You will have to use ChanServ to complete the desired action

Disable bot assignment to a channel:

/msg botserv set #mychannelname nobot ON

Explanation: This will remove any assigned BotServ bots from #mychannelname

Stop users without SOP from assigning a bot:

/msg botserv set #mychannelname private ON

Explanation: This will prevent HOP and AOPs from assigning bots to #mychannelname

Remove a bot without deleting it:

/msg botserv unassign #mychannelname

Explanation: This will remove MyBot without deleting it from BotServ


Purpose: Assign ops to a channel without any ops currently assigned. Commands: (none)
How To:

Restore ops to an opless channel: none. The channel must meet certain requirements, however:
1: The channel must exist for the minimum amount of time
2: There must be at least 4 users prior to the channel being monitored by CHANFIX
3: At LEAST 1 person must have a high score on CHANFIX in order for the an op to be assigned to a channel
4: A user must be opped for at least 15 out of the last 30 days
5: The user’s hostmask must not have changed in the last 30 days. Nick changes are fine.


Purpose: Maintain channel foundry and access levels
Commands: access, akick, ban, clear, close, count, drop, fdrop, fflags, flags, forcexop, ftransfer, getkey, halfop/dehalfop, hold, info, invite, kick, kickban, list, mark, op/deop, voice/devoice, owner/deowner, protect/deprotect, quiet, recover, register, role, set, status, sync, taxonomy, template, topic, topicappend, topicprepend, unban, unquiet, why, xOP


v - allows a user to voice/devoice themselves  
V - automatically gives a user voice when entering the channels  
h - allows a user to give themselves halfop, as well as remove it  
H - automatically gives a user halfop when entering the channel  
o - allows a user to op/deop themselves  
O - automatically gives a user op when entering a channel  
q - marks the user as owner of a channel  
Q - automatically applies owner to a channel  
s - allows access for to the set command  
i - permits access to the getkey/invite commands  
r - allows access to kick/kickban/ban/unban commands  
R - enables the use of /recover /sync and /clear commands  
f - enables modification of the channel access list  
t - allows a user to modify the topic  
A - allows users to view the access list of a channel  
S - Marks a user as a successor to channel foundership  
F - Marks the user as a Founder, with complete control over a channel  
b - automatic kickban applied to a user's account  
e - prevents a user from being automatically kickbanned, as well as unbanning yourself  
* - using +* applies every flag except autokick, Successor, and Founder. -* applies all except autokick and Founder  


  • VOP: applies AV
  • HOP: applies AHhtv
  • AOP: applies AOhiortv
  • SOP: applies AOafhiorstv

HowTo: Assign an access role to a user:

/msg chanserv add #mychannelname mynick HOP

Explanation: This will give mynick HOP access to #mychannelname
Note: ‘!HOP add mynick’ inside the channel will also work

Remove a user’s access: /msg chanserv del #mychannelname mynick
Explanation: This will remove all flags applied to a user
Note: ‘!hop del mynick’ will also remove the user from the access list

View a user’s current access level:

/msg chanserv info #mychannelname mynick

Explanation: This will show you the access level for mynick in #mychannelname

View the entire access list for a channel:

/msg chanserv access #mychannelname list

Explanation: This will display the entire access list for #mychannelname
Note: ‘!access list’ will display the same information when issued from the channel

Apply roles to an account:

/msg chanserv access #mychannelname set mynick +halfop

Explanation: Adds the nick mynick to the halfop role as well as the halfop flags
Note: Full listing of roles are: voice, autovoice, halfop, autohalfop, op, autoop, protect, owner, set, invite, remove, recover, acl-change, successor, founder, banned)

akick a user:

/msg chanserv akick #mychannelname add mynick !T 60 disruptive user

Explanation: This will add mynick to the akick list for #mychannelname for 60 minutes, kicking them with the reason “disruptive user”
Note: Alternatively, you can “!akick add mynick disruptive user” to add a user to the akick list

ban a user:

/msg chanserv ban #mychannelname mynick

Explanation: This will ban mynick from #mychannelname
Note: You can also use “!ban mynick” in #mychannelname

Clear all bans from a channel:

/msg chanserv clear #mychannelname bans

Explanation: This will remove every ban and excemption placed in #mychannelname
Remove all entries on the access list (minus founders):

/msg chanserv clear #mychannelname flags

Explanation: This will revert all users (except Founders) to normal users

Remove all users in a channel:

/msg chanserv clear #mychannelname users Channel is now closed to normal users, invite only!

Explanation: This will kick every user from #mychannelname with the reason “Channel is now closed to normal users, invite only!”

Close a channel without dropping:

/msg chanserv close #mychannelname ON Illegal channel

Explanation: This will kickban everyone from the channel for the reason “Illegal channel” without dropping/unregistering it

Count the number of entries on an access list:

/msg chanserv count #mychannelname

This will display how many entries match an xOP value and how many that do not.

Remove a channel:

/msg chanserv drop #mychannelname

Explanation: This will drop/unregister #mychannelname

Force a channel drop (for opers):

/msg chanserv fdrop #mychannelname

Explanation: This will force a channel to be dropped by ChanServ if you are not a Founder

Change a user’s flags on a channel:

/msg chanserv flags #mychannelname mynick +t

Explanation: This will give mynick the ability to edit the topic in #mychannelname. -t will remove that flag

Force a flag change (for opers):

/msg chanserv fflags #mychannelname mynick +b

Explanation: This will add a user to the autokickban list for #mychannelname

Change a channel’s access list to conform to the xOP format:

/msg chanserv forcexop #mychannelname

Force a transfer of channel foundership (for opers):

/msg chanserv ftransfer #mychannelname newnick

Explanation: This will force foundership from the old user to newnick.
Note: using ‘!ftransfer newnick’ in #mychannelname will also force a transfer

Retrieve the password for a channel that is +k:

/msg chanserv getkey #mychannelname

Explanation: This will return the key for #mychannelname if you have +i on #mychannelname’s access list

Apply +h to a user:

/msg chanserv halfop #mychannelname newnick

Explanation: This will apply +h to newnick in #mychannelname
Note: ‘!halfop newnick’ in #mychannelname will accomplish the same

Prevent a channel from expiring:

/msg chanserv hold #mychannelname ON

Explanation: This prevents the channel from expiring due to time constraints Note: if the Founder and all Successor accounts expire, the channel will still expire

Display information about a ctannel:

/msg chanserv info #mychannelname

Explanation: This will display information about the channel registration date, assigned flags, and similar information

Invite yourself into a channel you have +i on:

/msg chanserv invite #mychannelname

Note: You must have +i in order to use this command

Remove a user from a channel:

/msg chanserv kick #mychannelname nickname stop misbehaving

Explanation: This will remove nickname from #mychannelname with the reason “stop misbehaving”
Note: Alternatively, ‘!kick newnick stop misbehaving’ in #mychannelname will also kick the user

Kick as well as ban a user:

/msg chanserv kickban #mychannelname newnick Stop misbehaving please

Explanation: This will ban and then kick a user with the message “Stop misbehaving please”
Note: You can also use ‘!kb newnick stop misbehaving please’ to achieve the same effect

View currently open channels:

/msg chanserv list registered 7d

Explanation: This will only show channels that have been registered for at least 7 days.

Mark/comment a channel (oper only):

/msg chanserv mark #problemchannel ON Known spammers

Explanation: #problemchannel will now show “Known spammers” in its INFO output

OP/deOP/voice/devoice someone in a channel:

/msg chanserv op #mychannelname newop  

Explanation: This will temporary assign newop as a channel operator
Note: ‘!op newop’ would also apply +o to the user when issued in #mychannelname

Give owner (+q) to a user:

/msg chanserv owner #mychannelname newowner

Explanation: This will give newowner +q

Quiet a trouble user without kicking them:

/msg chanserv quiet #mychannelname Trouble

Explanation: This will prevent Trouble from speaking in #mychannelname

Recover a channel that has been taken over:

/msg chanserv recover #mychannelname

Explanation: This will deop everyone, remove the limit and channel keys, remove all bans, add an exception, mark it moderated, and invite you into the channel

Register a channel:

/msg chanserv register #mynewchan

Explanation: This will assign ChanServ to #mynewchan, mark you as founder, and prevent the channel from disappearing once everyone parts

Create custom roles:

/msg chanserv role #mychannelname add akicker +acl-change

Explanation: This will allow a user access to change the ACL and apply +b to a user’s account

Remove a custom role:

/msg chanserv role #mychannelname del akicker

Explanation: This will remove akicker from the list of roles

View the list of custom roles:

/msg chanserv role #mychannelname list

Modify a custom role:

/msg chanserv role #mychannelname set akicker +acl-view

Explanation: Adds the acl-view flag to the akicker role

Add an email address to a channel:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname email [email protected]

Set ChanServ to notice on join:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname entrymsg This is a NSFW channel, use discretion upon joining!

Explanation: This will cause a user to be noticed when they join the channel

Prevent !op !voice (etc) commands in a channel:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname fantasy OFF

Note: You will have to use /msg chanserv (command) in the future. To re-enable, use /msg chanserv set #mychannelname fantasy ON

Stop users from using gameserv, but allowing ops:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname GameServ op

Note: Valid options are All, Voice, op, or OFF

Set ChanServ to protect a channel:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname guard on

Note: ChanServ will join and protect a channel

Set ChanServ to keep a topic even after a netsplit:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname keeptopic on

Note: Doing so may revert the topic after a services outage

Allow a user to only akick:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname limitflags on

Explanation: This will limit the power of +f (access list editing flag). If a user does not have +s or +R but they do have +f they will only have access to +b (akick)

Stop users from editing channel modes:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname MLOCK +mnt

Explanation: This will stop channel staff from removing chanmode m from a channel

Stop ChanServ from automatically applying all flags after a modification is made:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname nosync ON

Explanation: This stops ChanServ from applying the current access list automatically. You can manually set ChanServ to apply all roles using:

/msg ChanServ sync #mychannelname

Change the channel fantasy prefix:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname prefix ^

Hide information in INFO:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname private ON

Explanation: This will hide certain information in the channels INFO output

Modify metadata for the channel:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname property URL http://example.tld

Note: To remove the metadata, just use:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname property URL

Limit who can enter a channel:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname restricted ON

Note: This will only allow users on the channel’s access list entry to enter

Stop people from gaining halfop/op on a channel (paranoid mode):

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname SECURE ON

Note: This is not very useful thanks to modern anti-takeover measures implemented in the IRCd as well as Atheme

Stop/Revert a topic automatically after a netsplit:

/msg chanserv set #mychannelname topiclock ON

Set ops to receive a notice on an ACL change:

/msg chanserv verbose #mychannelname ops

Note: The options available are OFF, ON, and OPS

View metadata about a channel:

/msg chanserv taxonomy #mychannelname

Explanation: This will display all the metadata associated with a registered channel, including custom defined metadata

Create custom templates:

/msg chanserv template #mychannelname co-founder +* -H Explanation: This will allow you to assign the co-founder template to users, which will automatically apply every mode, minus halfop  

Modify the topic:

/msg chanserv topic #mychannelname bla bla

Explanation: this will assign the topic “bla bla” in #mychannelname
Note’!topic bla bla’ will do the same. replace topic with topicprepend or topicappend to achieve the desired effect

Remove a ban:

/msg chanserv unban #mychannelname nickname

Explanation: Removes all bans associated with nickname
Note: ‘!unban nickname’ in the channel does the same


Purpose: Assists with playing games over IRC
Commands: eightball, namegen, roll

Ask eightball a question:

/msg gameserv eightball Will I grow three feet over night?

GameServ will respond with a typical “Magic 8 Ball” response

Requested a list of names:

/msg gamerserv namegen 10

GameServ will respond with 10 usable names

Roll two 16 sided die:

/msg gamerserv roll 2d16

Alternatively, ‘!roll 2d16’ will do the same in a channel that has enabled GameServ


Purpose: Manage groups
Commands: ACSNOLIMIT, drop, fdrop, flags, fflags, info, join, list, register, regnolimit, set

f - modifies group access list
F - group foundership
m - Read group memos
c - applies group permissions if assigned in a channel
v - take vhosts assigned by HostServ to a group
s - access to GroupServ SET command
b - bans a user from the group without removing the user’s flags

Remove the limit of the access list entries for groups (opers only):

/msg groupserv acsnolimit !networkgroup ON

Unregister a group:

/msg groupserv drop !oldgroup

Force the removal of a group (oper only):

/msg groupserv fdrop !badgroup

Change flags on a user in the group:

/msg groupserv flags !group nickname +m  

Explanation: Allows nickname to read memos sent to the group

Force a flag change on a user in a group (oper only):

/msg groupserv fflags !groupname nickname -

Explanation: Removes all flags from nickname

View information about a group:

/msg groupserv info !group

Join a group:

/msg groupserv join !anewgroup

Note: the group must be open in order to join, unless you have been invited

Search for a group:

/msg groupserv list !nachos

Explanation: Lists all groups matching “nachos” registered with GroupServ

Create a group:

/msg groupserv register !myawesomegroup

Explanation: This allows you to create myawesomegroup, or whatever name you choose

Remove the channel registration limit:

/msg groupserv regnolimit !myawesomegroup ON

Specify an official channel for a group:

/msg groupserv set !myawesomegroup channel #mychannelname

Add a description for a channel:

/msg groupserv set !myawesomegroup description Our awesome group

Explanation: Changes the description of the group to “Our awesome group”

Set the group’s email:

/msg groupserv set !myawesomegroup email [email protected]

Change the flags that are applied to a user when they join a group:

/msg groupserv set !myawesomegroup joinflags +mv

Explanation: Anyone that joins will be able to take vhosts and read all the memos sent to the group

Stop just anyone from joining:

/msg groupserv set !myawesomegroup open OFF

You can use ON to allow public joining, as well as explicitely inviting members in the future

Add a URL to a group:

/msg groupserv set !myawesomegroup URL


Purpose: Request help from the network staff
Commands: cancel, close, helpme, list, request, services

Cancel a previously made request for help:

/msg helpserv cancel

Close another user’s request for help (oper only):

/msg helpserv close ineedhelp

View available help requests:

/msg helpserv list

Ask for help:

/msg helpserv request I need help with a channel

Note: Helpers will be notified after they view the available help requests. Your request will show “I need help with a channel” when a network helper

View all running services:

/msg helpserv services

Note: This lists services that you can message to obtain more help, including their nicks


Purpose: Hide a user’s connection from other users
Commands: activate, group, listvhost, off, offer, offerlist, on, reject, request, take, unoffer, vhost, vhostnick, waiting


Activate a requested vHost (oper only):

/msg hostserv activate RequestingNick

Note: you can use a wildcard (*) to activate all waiting vHosts

Change a per-nick vhost to a group vhost:

/msg hostserv group

View all vhosts (oper only):

/msg hostserv vhostlist ducks

Explanation: This returns every vhost containing “ducks.” You can also search using other names as a criteria

Deactivate a vhost:

/msg hostserv off

Note: This will temporarily deactivate your vHost, but it does not unassign it

Create a vHost that users can take (oper only):

/msg hostserv offer

Reactivate a vHost:

/msg hostserv on

Reject a requested vhost (oper only):

/msg hostserv reject badnick

Note: To reject all requests, use

Request a vhost: /msg hostserv request

Accept an offered vhost:

/msg hostserv take

Remove a previously offered vhost (oper only):

/msg hostserv unoffer *

manually assign a vhost (oper only):

/msg hostserv vhost nickname

Assign a vhost to just a nick, rather than an account: /msg hostserv vhostnick ThisNick

View waiting vhosts requests (oper only):

/msg hostserv waiting

Note: to activate, use:

/msg hostserv attivate <nick>


Purpose: Provide informational messages to users:
Commands: del, list, odel, olist, post

Remove the third entry users see when they connect:

/msg infoserv del 3

View messages sent to users when they connect:

/msg infoserv list

Delete oper-only information messages:

/msg infoserv odel 4

Explanation: removes the 4th entry listed when opers log in to their oper accounts

List informational messages opers see after logging into their oper accounts:

/msg infoserv olist

Add a message to infoserv to be seen by opers after opering up:

/msg infoserv post 0 Expected downtime at 1330 UTC

Add a message to infoserv to send to users upon connect:

/msg infoserv post 1 Thanks for using our network!

Send an emergency message to all users immediatetly:

/msg infoserv post 4 DDoS is happening right now, sorry for the issues!


Purpose: Send messages to users that are not currently logged in
Commands: delete, forward, ignore, list, read, send, sendgroup, sendops

Remove a memo someone has sent you:

/msg memoserv delete old

Note: Old removes already read memos. You can delete specific memos by specifying their numbers, or every memo using ‘all’

Forward a memo a user has sent:

/msg memoserv forward netadmin 3

Explanation: Forwards memo 3 to the nick netadmin

Stop a user from sending memos to you:

/msg memoserv ignore problemuser

View available memos:

/msg memoserv list

Read a memo:

/msg memoserv read NEW

Note: You can use NEW to read all unread memos, or a number to read a specific memo

Send a memo to a user:

/msg memoserv send netadmin I can only send up to 300 characters D:

Send a memo to a group:

/msg memoserv groupsend !myawesomegroup you guys are awesome!

Send a memo to all ops on in a channel:

/msg memoserv sendops #mychannelname watch out for guest444, he's mean to people

Note: You must have at least be able to view the access list in order to do this


Purpose: Maintain nick ownership and allows users to modify/verify nick information
Commands: acc, access, cert, drop, fdrop, freeze, fungroup, fverify, ghost, group, hold, identify, info, list, listchans, listmail, listownmail, listvhost, login, logout, mark, regain, register, regnolimit, release, resetpass, restrict, return, sendpass, set, setpass, status, taxonomy, ungroup, vacation, verify, vhost

Determine if an account exists:

/msg nickserv acc doyouexist 

Note: 0 means the account doesn’t exist, 1 means it exists but is not logged in, 2 means the user is not logged in but is recognized, and 3 means the user is logged in

Stop NickServ from changing your nick without logging in:

/msg nickserv access add *@my.normal.connection

Note: You can use LIST, ADD and Delete

Automatically log in to NickServ using CertFP:

/msg nickserv cert add f3111bd27a08be18cc25ccc7111a4aaa

Note: You cannot associate one fingerprint with more than one account, otherwise NickServ would not be able to determine which account to log into

Remove your nickserv account:

/msg nickserv drop MyNick MyPass

Note: You must supply your password in order to delete your account. If you do not know it, you can request a reset

Force the removal of a nickserv account (oper only):

/msg nickserv fdrop badnick

Note: Only opers can forcibly drop a nick

Prevent a user from logging in rather than dropping their account:

/msg nickserv freeze badnick Repeated spammer

Note: this does not remove them from any access lists, but it does prevent them from using their account, making their channel powers inaccessible

Forcibly remove just a nick from an account:

/msg nickserv fungroup badnick

Note: If badnick is associated with goodnick, goodnick will not be removed

Verify a user’s change without them receiving the email (oper only):

/msg nickserv fverify emailchg ichangedmyemail

Note: also allows registration verification, in addition to others

Kill a connection that is no longer active:

/msg nickserv ghost mynick mypassword

Explanation: Useful when you lose your connection to IRC, and services has yet to recognize it.

Add a nick to an account without registering again:

/msg nickserv identify oldnick mypassword* THEN */msg nickserv group

Prevent an account from expiring from time:

/msg nickserv hold

Log in to NickServ:

/msg nickserv identify mypassword

Note: You can use /msg nickserv identify myregularnick mypassword if you are using a nick not registered to your acoount

View information regarding a user:

/msg nickserv info nickname

Search for users meeting a criteria:

/msg nickserv list hold

Explanation: This will display all held nicknames

View all channels a user is on an access list for:

/msg nickserv listchans nickname

Find users registered using an email address:

/msg nickserv listmail *

List active vhosts assigned to nicks:

/msg nickserv listvhost

Log out of NickServ without disconnecting from IRC:

/msg nickserv logout

Comment on an account (oper only):

/msg nickserv mark bad_nick ON PMs random people rudely

Disconnect a user that is logged in using another user’s nick:

/msg nickserv regain myregularnick mypassword

Create an account with NickServ:

/msg nickserv register mypassword [email protected]

Note: Your current nickname will be the new account name

Stop a services enforcement on a nick:

/msg nickserv release mynick mypass

Note: myass is not needed if you are logged in

Change a user’s pass if they have forgotten it (oper only):

/msg nickserv resetpass iforgotmynick

Note: NickServ will send you the generated password, the user MUST change it after they log in to maintain account integrity

Restrict what a user can do:

/msg nickserv restrict badnick ON Grouping inappropriate nicks, registering bad channels, and requesting bad vhosts

Note: RESTRICT prevents the user from registering channels with ChanServ, requesting vHosts with HostServ, and grouping new nicks with NickServ

Give a user back a stolen account:

/msg nickserv return stolen_account [email protected]

Note: Any current sessions will be logged out

Reset a nickserv password:

/msg nickserv sendpass myforgottennick

Change an account name:

/msg nickserv set accountname nickname2

Change email:

/msg nickserv set email [email protected]

Forward memos sent using memoserv to an email address:

/msg nickserv set emailmemos Only

Prevent users from using a registered nick without identifying:

/msg nickserv set enforce on

Note: On by default

Modify how long someone has to log in before their nick is changed:

/msg nickserv set enforcetime 60

Note: time is in seconds

Prevent standard users from viewing an email associated with an account:

/msg nickserv set hidemail on

Change the language services uses:

/msg nickserv set language de

Note: Various languages are available, and more are being translated for Atheme

Prevent the addition of your nick to an access list:

/msg nickserv set neverop ON

Stop users from sending memos:

/msg nickserv set nomemo ON

Stop services from automatically applying channel modes:

/msg nickserv set noop ON

Change NickServ password:

/msg nickserv set password mynewpasssword

Hide various information about a nickserv account:

/msg nickserv set private ON

Force services to send PMs rather than notices:

/msg nickserv set privmsg ON

Change metadata associated with an account:

/msg nickserv set property sign gemini

Explanation: Change the entry “sign” to reflect “gemini.” There are various property fields that can be edited.

Stop ChanServ notifications:

/msg nickserv set quietchg ON

Change your NickServ password without knowing the old one:

/msg nickserv setpass thekeynickservsenttome mynewpassisawesome

View information regarding your current NickServ status:

/msg nickserv status

View metadata about a registered user:

/msg nickserv taxonomy nickname

Remove a nick without removing your NickServ account:

/msg nickserv ungroup oldnick

Prevent NickServ from dropping your account due to time:

/msg nickserv vacation

NoteThis extends the time it takes for NickServ to drop you by three, but channels will still expire. Disabled once you log in

Verify an account change:

/msg nickserv verify EMAILCHG mynick mykeynickservemailedme


Purpose: Assists opers with the management of users and network services
Commands: akill, clearchan, clones, compare, greplog, identify, ignore, info, inject, jupe, mode, modinspect, modlist, modload, modunload, noop, override, rakill, raw, readonly, rehash, restart, rmatch, rnc, rwatch, sgline, shutdown, soper, specs, sqline, update, uptime

NOTE: Nearly every command used can drastically affect network performance and user experience. DO NOT ISSUE THESE COMMANDS LIGHTLY. Inject is NOT to be used on a live network. It is included here for informational purposes ONLY.

Automatically kill badnick for the next 5 days for “repeated network rule breaking”:

/msg operserv akill add badnick !T 5d repeated network rule breaking

Add a permanent akill:

/msg operserv add badnick !P repeated network rule breaking

Remove an akill for badnick:

/msg operserv akill del badnick

Remove the first five akills:

/msg operserv akill del 1-5

View all akills:

/msg operserv akill list

View all akills with reasons:

/msg operserv akill list full

Kick all users from a channel:

/msg operserv clearchan kick #badchan illegal activity

Kill all users to force them out of a channel:

/msg operserv clearchan kill #badchan bad bad bad

AKill all users to force them out of a channel:

/msg operserv clearchan akill #badchan bad bad bad

OperServ has many more commands, that are covered on the OperServ Atheme help page.