Welcome to StormBit

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StormBit is an IRC network dedicated to anything you can think of from open source projects, to video games, to anime culture, we have a little of every community, so you can feel right at home. We also strongly believe in free speech and take a very hands-off approach to moderation, so if you can't find a channel that suits you, come on and make one!

  • StormBit has shut down

    As of the 1st of June 2024, the StormBit IRC Network has shut down.

    There were a few reasons behind our decision, the largest being that the landscape of the internet today is radically different: In the heyday of IRC, there weren’t many spaces a community could call home. Today platforms like Telegram, Slack and Discord host large communities at low expense without any need to run or operate servers.

    While it’s not impossible that one day another IRC server will appear on irc.stormbit.net, the network we built has closed-down and this chapter has now come to an end.

    The first server went up in late 2010, and in 2011 we opened our doors to the public for the first time to support a Minecraft project. Our user-base was highly diverse as many different communities joined our network, and this eclectic mixture of experiences and personalities was well represented in our staff. Today, in 2024, many of us are still friends.

    StormBit's statistics over time

    Things didn’t go smoothly the entire time, but as we went through each stage of Tuckman’s model of group development we all grew a little richer.

    We made several noteworthy contributions over the years including (but not limited to!) introducing pronouns support to IRC, unleashing BukkitIRCd and with our time in the Janus project.

    And so we arrive at the final pages of this chapter, the stage known as adjourning. We’re proud and thankful of what we achieved, of the people we brought together and of having called a slice of internet our own. And reader, of course, we’re thankful for you.

    Thanks for playing.

    — StormBit Team, 2024

  • 2016 - Year of the monkey

    First and foremost, it is long overdue, but I’d love to wish everybody a happy new year! May 2015 be an awesome year for you- … Hold on … Right so I’ve just been informed that actually another entire year managed to slip by without us even really noticing. Yikes, it’s now 2016.

    What a year 2015 has been, behind... Read More

  • Introducing language support

    Here at StormBit we focus on trying to deliver great quality service to all of our users, no matter their interests or where they may happen to hail from. Supporting such a diverse audience can be challenging, though, especially as not everybody happens to speak English as their first language. To this end I’m happy to announce that we’ve begun... Read More

  • Site Updates!

    If you’ve been paying attention to the StormBit website over the past few months, you might have noticed it change. You may have also noticed that those changes have occurred… rather slowly. Well, I’m writing to let you know that things are starting to move along a little faster. ^-^

    As of today, we aim to be both updating the... Read More

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